Sensitive Dogs

Sensitive Dogs

We created the Canuzzo harness with your sensitive dog in mind, because we very well know how difficult it is to find a harness for a sensitive dog.

We are too guardians of sensitive dogs just like lots of our clients. In fact, there are many of us out there, but since we usually do not walk with our dogs during the typical walking hours of the day or hang out in dog parks, it's hard to spot us. :)

So, your dog finds it very unpleasant to have a harness put on them? We can definitely do something to help them feel more comfortable, but we will have to slow down a notch and lower our expectations.

First things first - we have to ensure that we are already doing everything in our power to address the cause of the sensitivity. Very often body sensitivity is rooted in body pain/discomfort and/or skin conditions. Please consult with a holistic veterinarian who will take into account all aspects of your dog's life and behaviour to offer proper treatment. Remember that signs of pain in dogs are very subtle and often invisible to an untrained eye! Here is an article to help you check your dog for signs of discomfort:

Now we will focus on the harness. Your sensitive dog might already find the Canuzzo harness great because we have made sure it's light, pleasant to touch and has additional clips on the front. But we don't want to take any chances of creating a negative association with the harness! So let's prepare to be patient and go slowly.

1. Show the harness to your dog

  • Choose a place with more space and not a narrow corner. Preferably it's not the same spot where you usually put the gear on the dog. It will help your dog feel more safe around a novel object and learn faster.
  • Sit next to your dog, make sure you are not bending over the dog.
  • Take a few minutes to show the harness to them. Let your dog see it, sniff it and hear how the clips open and close.

2. Scatter a generous amount of tasty treats around the harness and allow your dog to collect them. That may be all the practice you do for one day.

3. Unless your dog has extreme fear of the harness, leave the harness somewhere around, near where your dog usually chooses to rest. The hope is that the harness becomes associated with calm and relaxation.

4. Over the next few days, keep practising by repeating the same steps, but now start holding the harness in your hands. Then very slowly move it towards your dog's body, always stop BEFORE your dog gets uncomfortable. The hope is that you will eventually reach the point of placing the harness on your dog's body and clipping it.

Additional ideas:

  • For the practising spot, you might choose your dog's favourite park or somewhere else they feel really happy. A person we know practised in their car because it's where their dog felt most happy!
  • If you have another dog in the household who does not mind putting on the harness, you might show your sensitive dog how you put the harness on and off on the other dog.
  • OR employ your dog's best friend! Social learning can be very powerful.

Good luck! We will be happy to hear if these tips helped you and your dog! And what your dog thought of the Canuzzo harness. Please let us know by contacting us.